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vision,mission and goals

The Vision:

The vision of the department is to be a distinct department among nationally and globally corresponding engineering departments and to be a beacon in the scientific knowledge to keep up with scientific development and a leader in higher education and scientific research through the preparation of engineering cadres in the fields of electrical engineering in all specialties to serve the community and providing a motivating environment to become an international department in the ranking.

 The Mission:
        The mission of the department is to prepare and develop national engineering cadres in electrical engineering disciplines qualified academically, pedagogically and professionally which able to serve the community and meets the requirements of the labor market in accordance with quality assurance standards.

The Goals:

1.   Graduation of advanced engineering staff in all electrical engineering disciplines academically and professionally qualified to meet the needs of the labor market.

2.   Provision of distinct university environment for creativity and scientific research.

3.   Optimal usage of resources and available possibilities to get the international academic accreditation according to quality assurance standards.

4.   Working on the prosperity and development of the community by providing research projects and advisory services which contribute to the solution of the problems and the development of society.

5.   Attracting the distinct scientific talents in field of electrical engineering in all specialties locally and internationally to achieve the vision of the department.

6.  Strengthening and developing the relations of the department with the corresponding scientific departments locally and internationally and with the related institutions and ministries to service the community.
