اسم الكتاب |
اسم المؤلف |
دار النشر |
السنة |
Process control Instrumentation Technology |
Curtis D. Johnson |
Prentice Hall |
8th. 2006 |
Digital Fundamentals |
Floyd. |
Prentice Hall |
8th. 2003 |
Grob Basic Electronics |
Bernard Grob |
Mc Graw Hill |
8th. 2002 |
An Introducation to Database System |
C. J. Date |
Addison Wesley |
8th. 2004 |
Electrical & Electronic Technology |
Edward Hughes |
Prentic-Hall |
8th. 2002 |
Introduction Circuit Analysis |
Boylestad |
Prentic-Hall |
8th. 1997 |
Network Analysis |
G.K.Mithal |
Khanna |
8th. 1988 |
8 |
Introduction to solid State Physics |
Charles Kittel |
John Wiley&Sons. |
8ed 2005 |
9 |
Automatic Control System |
Benjamin C-Kuo |
John Wiley&Sons. |
8ed 2003 |
10 |
Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits |
Robert T. Paynter |
Prentice Hall |
7th. 2006 |
11 |
Elementary Algebra Concepts and Applications |
Marvin L. Bittinger, David J. Ellenbagen |
Pearson Addison Wisley |
7th. 2006 |
12 |
Hughes Electrical Engineering |
Edward Hughes |
Prentice Hall |
7th. 1995 |
13 |
Vector Mechanics For Engineers |
Beer/Johnston/Eisenbery |
McGraw-Hill |
7th 2004 |
14 |
Calculus |
Bivens/Stephen L.Davis |
John Wiley&Sons. |
7th 2002 |
15 |
Electronic Devicce and Circuit Theory |
Robert L. Boylestad |
Prentic-Hall |
7th 1999 |
16 |
Grob Basic Electronics |
Bernard Grob |
McGraw-Hill |
7th 1992 |
17 |
Fluid Mechanics |
Victor L.Streeter |
McGraw-Hill |
7th 1981 |
18 |
Electrical Machines, Drivers and Power Systems |
Theodore Wildi |
Prentice Hall |
6th. 2006 |
19 |
Solid State Electronic Devices |
Ben,G.Streetman. Sanjay Kumar Banerjee |
Prentice Hall |
6th. 2006 |
20 |
Soving Business Problems Using a Calculator |
Mildred K. Polisky |
Mc Graw Hill |
6th. 2003 |
21 |
Electronic Calculator Guide for Use with Practical Business Math Procedures |
Jann Underwood |
Mc Graw Hill |
6th. 2003 |
22 |
Violence and Terrorism |
Thomas J. Badey |
Mc Graw Hill |
6th. 2003 |
23 |
Focus on Health |
Dale B.Hahn, Wayne A.Payne |
Mc Graw Hill |
6th. 2003 |
24 |
Electronic Communication |
Robert L. Shrader |
Glencoe/Mc Graw Hill |
6th. 2000 |
25 |
Engineering Circuit Analysis |
Hayt, Kemmenly, Durbin |
Mc Graw Hill |
6th 2002 |
26 |
Principles of Information System |
Ralph M. Stair |
Thomson |
6th 2003 |
27 |
Thermodynamics |
Kenrik Wark |
McGraw-Hill |
6th 1999 |
28 |
Operating System Concepts |
Silberschatz |
John Wiley&Sons. |
6th 2003 |
29 |
System Analysis and Design |
Kendall |
Prentic-Hall |
6th 2005 |
30 |
Introduction To Ps Pice Manual For Electric Circuits |
James W.Nilsson |
Prentic-Hall |
6th 2002 |
31 |
SoftWare Engineering |
Ian Sommerville |
Addison Wesley |
6th 2001 |
32 |
Mechanics of Materials |
R.C. Hibbeler |
Prentic-Hall |
6th 2005 |
33 |
Concepts Of Programming Languages |
Robert W. Sebesta |
Addison Wesley |
6th 2004 |
34 |
Probability and Statistics for Engineers & Scientists |
Walpole |
Prentic-Hall |
6th 1998 |
35 |
Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Part 1 |
Rebort Boylestad |
Prentice-Hall |
6th 1996 |
36 |
Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory Part 2 |
Rebort Boylestad |
Prentice-Hall |
6th 1996 |
37 |
Physics For Scientists & Engineers |
Serway Jewett |
Prentic-Hall |
6th 1996
38 |
Heat Pipes |
D.A. Reay, P.A. Kew |
Elsevier |
5th. 2006 |
39 |
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers |
Robert B. Bennett, Jr L.Ted Nelson |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 2001 |
40 |
PreCalculus Functions and Graphs |
Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 2001 |
41 |
Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach |
Roger S. Pressman |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 2001 |
42 |
Beginning Algebra |
James Streeter, Donald Hutchinson, Barry Bergman, Louis Hoelzle |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 2001 |
43 |
Operating Systems: A Systematic View |
William S. Davis, T.M. Rykumar |
Addison--Wesley |
5th. 2001 |
44 |
Technical Drawing |
Frederick E.Giesecke |
Macmillan |
6th 1974 |
45 |
Electronics Principles and Applications |
Charles A. Schuler |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 1999 |
46 |
Digital Electronics Principles and Applications |
Roger L. Tokheim |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 1999 |
47 |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics |
C. Ray Wylie, Louis C. Barrett |
Mc Graw Hill |
5th. 1982 |
48 |
Java How To Program |
Deitel & Deitel |
Prentic-Hall |
5th 2003 |
49 |
Process control Instrumentation Technology |
Curtis D. Johnson |
Prentice Hall |
8th. 2006 |
50 |
An Introduction to Database Systems |
C.J. Date |
Addison--Wesley |
8th. 2004 |
51 |
Optical Communication Theory and Techniques |
Enrico Forestieri |
Springer Science |
2005 |
52 |
Theory and Applications of OFDM and CDMA |
Henrik Schalze, Christian Luders |
John Wiley and Sons |
2005 |
53 |
Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design |
John Rogers, Calvin Plett |
John Wiley and Sons |
2005 |
54 |
Intermediate Algebra |
Miller O. Neill Hyde |
Mc Graw Hill |
2005 |
55 |
Mastering C++ |
Oqeili |
Dar AL- Shorok |
2004 |
56 |
Visual Basic |
Abdul Mutalib I. |
University of Tech. |
2004 |
57 |
Understanding Digital Signal Processing |
Richard G. Lyons |
Prentic-Hall |
2004 |
58 |
Computer Security Fundamentals |
Chucheastton |
Prentice Hall |
2006 |
59 |
Introduction to Cryptography with coding Theory |
Wade troppe, Lawrence C. Washington |
Prentice Hall |
2006 |
60 |
Building Application and Components With Visual Basic Net. |
Pattison |
Addison Wesley |
2004 |
61 |
Fundamentals of Optical Fiters |
John A.Buck |
John Wiley & Sons |
2004 |
62 |
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering |
Rizzoni |
Mc Graw Hill |
2004 |
63 |
fundamentals of Power System Economics |
Daniel Kirschen Goran Strbac |
John Wiley and Sons |
2004 |
64 |
Modeling random Systems |
J.R. Cogdell |
Prentice Hall |
2004 |
65 |
Extreme Software Engineering A Hands on Approach |
Daniel H. Steinberg, Daniel W. Palmer |
Prentice Hall |
2004 |
66 |
Digital Image Processing Using Marlab |
Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods Steven L. Eddins |
Prentice Hall |
2004 |
67 |
Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac 2004 |
Jacob E. Safra |
Encyclopedia Britannica |
2004 |
68 |
Applying AutoCAD 2004 |
Terry T-Wohlers |
Mc Graw Hill |
2004 |
69 |
Computer Science Using Java |
Jesse Liberty, Kent Quirk |
Mc Graw Hill |
2004 |
70 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 |
Joseph Davies |
Microsoft Press |
2003 |
71 |
Electric Power Systems Analysis and Control |
Fabio Saccomanno |
John Wiley&Sons. |
2003 |
72 |
Aleks For Statistics Users Guide |
Harold D. Baker |
McGraw-Hill |
2003 |
73 |
Design of Integrated Circuits for Optical Communications |
Begzad Razavi |
Mc Graw Hill |
2003 |
74 |
Microsoft Project Version 2002 Inside Out |
Teresa S. Stover |
Mictosoft Press |
2003 |
75 |
Electric Power Sytems Analysis and Control |
Fabio Saccomanno |
John Wiley and Sons |
2003 |
76 |
Introduction To VLSI Circuit & Systems |
John P. Uremura |
John Wiley&Sons. |
2002 |
77 |
C# How To program |
Deitel & Deitel |
Prentic-Hall |
2002 |
78 |
Digital Fundamentals 2002 |
Thomas L.Floyd |
Prarson |
2002 |
79 |
Programming With Java |
Alauddin A. |
Wael |
2002 |
80 |
Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives |
Bimal K. Bose |
Pearson Education |
2002 |
81 |
Microsoft Access 2002 |
Robert T. Grauer |
Prentic-Hall |
2002 |
82 |
Auto CAD 2002 Companion |
James A. Leach |
McGraw-Hill |
2002 |
83 |
Modern Control Design |
Ashish Tewari |
John Wiley&Sons. |
2002 |
84 |
Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory |
Robert L.B. |
Prentice--Hall |
2002 |
85 |
Introduction to Logic Design |
Alan B. Marcovitz |
Mc Graw Hill |
2002 |
86 |
Microsoft Power Point 2002 |
Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard |
Mc Graw Hill |
2002 |
87 |
Microsoft Excel 2002 |
Sarah E. Hutchinson, Glen J. Coulthard |
Mc Graw Hill |
2002 |
88 |
The Power Electronics Handbook |
Timothy L. Skvarenina |
CRC Taylor and Francis |
2002 |
89 |
Electric Circuits |
Jomes W.Nilsson |
Prentic-Hall |
2001 |
90 |
Pro/Engineer Instructor |
David S. Kelly |
McGraw-Hill |
2001 |
91 |
Digital Design With CPLD Application & VHDL |
Robert K. Dueck |
Delmar |
2001 |
92 |
Signals and Systems |
Girod |
John Wiley&Sons. |
2001 |
93 |
Nuclear Reactor Physics |
eston M. Stacey |
John Wiley&Sons. |
2001 |
94 |
Digital Design With CPLD Application & VHDL |
Robert K. Dueck |
Delmer |
2001 |
95 |
Mathematical Structure and Numerical Relativity |
Abdul-Sahib Al-Mukhtar |
Dar AL-Talial |
2001 |
96 |
Programming in Matlab |
Marc E.Herniter |
Brooks |
2001 |
97 |
Digital Commanications |
John G.Proakis |
McGraw----Hill |
2001 |
98 |
Communication Systems |
Simon H. |
John Wiley & Sons |
2001 |
99 |
Basic Principles of The Finite Element Method |
Entwistle |
Maney publishing |
2001 |
100 |
Discrete Mathemetics with Combinatorics |
James A. Anderrson |
Prentice Hall |
2001 |
101 |
Fundamentals of digital Televisions Transmission |
Gerald W. Collins |
John Wiley and Sons |
2001 |
102 |
Linear Integrated Circuit Application |
John P. Borris |
Prentic-Hall |
2000 |
103 |
Introducing Communication Theory |
Richard West. Lynn H. |
Mayfield Publishing |
2000 |
104 |
A First Book Of Visual C++
Gary J. Bronson |
Brooks / Cole |
2000 |
105 |
Telecommunications Systems & Technology |
Michael Khader |
Prentic-Hall |
2000 |
106 |
Multimedia Applications Support For Wireless ATM Networks |
Anna Hac |
Prentic-Hall |
2000 |
107 |
Principles of Computer Architecture |
Miles J. Murdocca, Vincent P. Heuring |
Prentice Hall |
2000 |
108 |
Microcontrollers & Microcomputers |
Fredrick M. cady |
Oxford |
1997 |
109 |
Semiconductor Optics |
C.F.Klingshirn |
Springer |
1997 |
110 |
اجهزة القياسات الكهربائية |
مازن محمد على جمعة |
دار اليازورى |
الاولى--2005 |
111 |
الدوائر الالكترونية |
ضياء مهدى فارس |
دار البارودى |
الاولى--2005 |
112 |
تصميم قواعد البيانات |
عزيز شعيرة |
دار المعتز |
الاولى--2004 |
113 |
الكهرومغناطيسية الهندسية |
هاموبز |
دار الفكر |
الاولى--2003 |
114 |
الثقافة عن طريق الانترنيت |
احمد خالد |
الدار العلمية |
الاولى 2002 |
115 |
رسالة فى قضايا المرأة |
حسين درويش |
منظمة الاسلام |
الاولى--2004 |
116 |
ادارة الجودة الكاملة وتطلبات الايزو |
خليل ابراهيم |
الاولى--2002 |
117 |
الاحصاء والاسس الالى |
عبد اللة فلاح |
الجامعة الاردنية |
الاولى--2000 |
118 |
التوصيلات التليفونية |
فاروق سيد حسين |
دار الراتب الجامعة |
الاولى-- 1999 |
119 |
الرسم ثلاثى الابعاد باستخدام ركوكاد |
مهندس زياد غريواينى |
مركز شعاع للنشر والعلوم |
2003 |
120 |
الامن على شبكة الانترنيت |
علاء محمد عبد الهادي |
المكتبة الوطنية |
2002 |
121 |
تصميم مواقع العربى باستخدام فرونت بيج |
مهندس هيثم فرحان |
مركز شعاع للنشر والعلوم |
2002 |
122 |
البنية الرياضية والنسبية العددية |
عبد الصاحب المختار |
دار الطليعة العربية |
2001 |
123 |
اساسيات الفيزياء |
بوش جيرد |
دار ماكجروهيل |
2000 |
124 |
حسبان التفاضل والتكامل (ج 2) |
عمر محمد عبد المجيد - احمد عبد الرزاق السعيد |
دار الكتب - بغداد |
2000 |
125 |
الرسم الهندسي |
عبد الرسول الخفاف |
مطبعة الجامعة التكنولوجية |
1986 |